Guy Ignores the dont Touch the Wild Horses Signs and

Horse behavior is all-time understood from the view that horses are casualty animals with a well-developed fight-or-flight response. Their get-go reaction to a threat is frequently to flee, although sometimes they stand their ground and defend themselves or their offspring in cases where flight is untenable, such as when a foal would be threatened.[i]

All the same, because of their physiology horses are also suited to a number of work and entertainment-related tasks. Humans domesticated horses thousands of years agone, and they accept been used by humans ever since. Through selective breeding, some breeds of horses have been bred to be quite docile, specially certain big typhoon horses. On the other hand, most calorie-free horse riding breeds were developed for speed, agility, alertness, and endurance; edifice on natural qualities that extended from their wild ancestors.

Horses' instincts can be used to human advantage to create a bail between human and horse. These techniques vary, but are part of the fine art of horse grooming.

The "fight-or-flying" response [edit]

Horses evolved from small mammals whose survival depended on their ability to flee from predators (for case : wolves, big cats, bears) .[2] This survival mechanism still exists in the mod domestic equus caballus. Humans have removed many predators from the life of the domestic equus caballus; however, its first instinct when frightened is to escape. If running is not possible, the horse resorts to bitter, kick, hit or rearing to protect itself. Many of the horse's natural beliefs patterns, such as herd-formation and social facilitation of activities, are direct related to their being a casualty species.[3]

The fight-or-flight response involves nervous impulses which result in hormone secretions into the bloodstream. When a equus caballus reacts to a threat, it may initially "freeze" in preparation to take flight.[4] The fight-or-flying reaction begins in the amygdala, which triggers a neural response in the hypothalamus. The initial reaction is followed by activation of the pituitary gland and secretion of the hormone ACTH.[v] The adrenal gland is activated most simultaneously and releases the neurotransmitters epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The release of chemical messengers results in the production of the hormone cortisol, which increases blood pressure and blood carbohydrate, and suppresses the allowed organisation.[6] [vii] [eight] Catecholamine hormones, such every bit epinephrine and norepinephrine, facilitate immediate physical reactions associated with a preparation for violent muscular action. The result is a rapid rise in blood pressure, resulting in an increased supply of oxygen and glucose for energy to the brain and skeletal muscles,[nine] the most vital organs the horse needs when fleeing from a perceived threat. All the same, the increased supply of oxygen and glucose to these areas is at the expense of "not-essential" flying organs, such as the pare and intestinal organs.[nine]

Once the horse has removed itself from immediate danger, the trunk is returned to more than "normal" weather condition via the parasympathetic nervous system.[ten] This is triggered by the release of endorphins into the brain,[10] and information technology effectively reverses the furnishings of noradrenaline – metabolic rate, blood pressure level and heart rate all decrease[11] and the increased oxygen and glucose being supplied to the muscles and encephalon are returned to normal.[x] This is as well known every bit the "rest and digest" land.[10]

As herd animals [edit]

Horses are highly social herd animals that prefer to live in a group.

An older theory of hierarchy in herd of horses is the "linear dominance hierarchy".[12] [thirteen] [xiv] [15] [16] [17] Newer research shows that there is no "pecking order" in horse herds. Gratuitous ranging, wild horses are mostly communicating via positive reinforcement and less via punishment.[18]

Horses are able to form companionship attachments not only to their own species, but with other animals as well, including humans. In fact, many domesticated horses volition become anxious, flighty, and hard to manage if they are isolated. Horses kept in well-nigh-complete isolation, particularly in a closed stable where they cannot encounter other animals, may require a stable companion such equally a cat, goat, or even a small pony or donkey, to provide visitor and reduce stress.

When anxiety over separation occurs while a horse is existence handled past a human, the horse is described as "herd-spring". However, through proper training, horses learn to be comfortable away from other horses, often because they learn to trust a human handler. It is important to notation that horses are able to trust a human handler. Since it is not possible to class interspecies herds, humans cannot be part of a horse herd bureaucracy and therefore can never take the place of "lead-mares" or "lead-stallions".


Feral and wild horse "herds" are usually made upwardly of several separate, minor "bands" which share a territory. Size may range from ii to 25 individuals, by and large mares and their offspring, with 1 to five stallions.[17]

Bands are defined equally a harem model. Each band is led by a dominant mare (sometimes called the "lead mare" or the "boss mare").[19] The composition of bands changes as young animals are driven out of their natal band and join other bands, or equally stallions challenge each other for say-so.

In bands, there is ordinarily a single "herd" or "lead" stallion, though occasionally a few less-dominant males may remain on the fringes of the grouping.[20] The reproductive success of the pb stallion is determined in part by his ability to prevent other males from mating with the mares of his harem. The stallion also exercises protective beliefs, patrolling effectually the ring, and taking the initiative when the band encounters a potential threat.[21] The stability of the band is not affected by size, just tends to exist more than stable when there are subordinate stallions attached to the harem.[22]

Hierarchical structure [edit]

Fights for dominance are commonly cursory; sometimes, displays which do non involve concrete contact are sufficient to maintain the bureaucracy.

Horses have evolved to live in herds. As with many animals that live in large groups, establishment of a stable hierarchical system or "pecking gild" is of import to reduce aggression and increase group cohesion. This is oftentimes, but not always, a linear system. In non-linear hierarchies equus caballus A may be ascendant over horse B, who is dominant over horse C, yet horse C may be ascendant over horse A. Authorization can depend on a diversity of factors, including an individual's demand for a item resources at a given time. Information technology tin can therefore be variable throughout the lifetime of the herd or individual animate being. Some horses may be dominant over all resources and others may be submissive for all resource. It is important to annotation, that this is not part of natural horse behavior. It is forced by humans forcing horses to alive together in limited space with limited resource. So called "ascendant horses" are oftentimes horses with dysfunctional social abilities - caused past human intervention in their early lives (weaning, stable isolation, etc.).[ citation needed ]

Once a potency bureaucracy is established, horses more often than not will travel in rank order.[17]

Most immature horses in the wild are allowed to stay with the herd until they accomplish sexual maturity, usually in their showtime or second twelvemonth. Studies of wild herds have shown that the herd stallion volition unremarkably drive out both colts and fillies; this may be an instinct that prevents inbreeding. The fillies usually join another ring shortly after, and the colts driven out from several herds commonly join in small "bachelor" groups until those who are able to establish authorization over an older stallion in another herd.[23]

Role of the pb mare [edit]

Contrary to popular conventionalities, the herd stallion is not the "ruler" of a harem of females, though he usually engages in herding and protective beliefs. Rather, the horse that tends to lead a wild or feral herd is well-nigh commonly a dominant mare.[24] The mare "guides the herd to food and h2o, controls the daily routine and movement of the herd, and ensures the general wellbeing of the herd."[25]

A contempo supplemental theory posits that there is "distributed leadership", and no single individual is a universal herd leader. A 2014 report of horses in Italia, described equally "feral" by the researcher, observed that some herd movements may be initiated by any individual, although higher-ranked members are followed more than oft by other herd members.[17]

Role of the stallion [edit]

Stallions tend to stay on the periphery of the herd where they fight off both predators and other males. When the herd travels, the stallion is usually at the rear and patently drives straggling herd members forward, keeping the herd together. Mares and lower-ranked males do not usually engage in this herding behavior.[17] During the mating season, stallions tend to act more than aggressively to keep the mares within the herd, however, most of the time, the stallion is relaxed and spends much of his fourth dimension "guarding" the herd by scent-marking manure piles and urination spots to communicate his dominance as herd stallion.[26]

Ratio of stallions and mares [edit]

Domesticated stallions, with human management, frequently mate with ("cover") more than mares in a year than is possible in the wild. Traditionally, thoroughbred stud farms limited stallions to convenance with between xl and sixty mares a year. By breeding mares only at the height of their estrous cycle, a few thoroughbred stallions have mated with over 200 mares per yr. With use of artificial insemination, one stallion could potentially sire thousands of offspring annually, though in practice, economic considerations usually limit the number of foals produced.[27]

Domesticated stallion behavior [edit]

Some breeders keep horses in semi-natural conditions, with a single stallion amongst a group of mares. This is referred to equally "pasture breeding." Immature immature stallions are kept in a separate "bachelor herd." While this has advantages of less intensive labor for human caretakers, and full-time turnout (living in pasture) may be psychologically good for you for the horses, pasture breeding presents a run a risk of injury to valuable breeding stock, both stallions and mares, particularly when unfamiliar animals are added to the herd. It besides raises questions of when or if a mare is bred, and may also heighten questions as to parentage of foals. Therefore, keeping stallions in a natural herd is not mutual, peculiarly on breeding farms mating multiple stallions to mares from other herds. Natural herds are more often kept on farms with closed herds, i.eastward. just one or a few stallions with a stable mare herd and few, if whatever, mares from other herds.

Mature, domesticated stallions are commonly kept past themselves in a stable or small paddock. When stallions are stabled in a manner that allows visual and tactile communication, they will oftentimes challenge each another and sometimes attempt to fight. Therefore, stallions are oftentimes kept isolated from each other to reduce the gamble of injury and disruption to the balance of the stable. If stallions are provided with access to paddocks, in that location is often a corridor betwixt the paddocks then the stallions cannot bear on each other. In some cases, stallions are released for practise at different times of the mean solar day to ensure they exercise not see or hear each another.

To avoid stable vices associated with isolation, some stallions are provided with a non-horse companion, such as a castrated donkey or a caprine animal (the Godolphin Arabian was specially fond of a barn cat[ citation needed ]). While many domesticated stallions become also aggressive to tolerate the close presence of any other male horse without fighting, some tolerate a gelding as a companion, particularly 1 that has a very calm temperament. 1 instance of this was the racehorse Seabiscuit, who lived with a gelding companion named "Pumpkin".[28] Other stallions may tolerate the close presence of an immature and less ascendant stallion.

Stallions and mares oftentimes compete together at equus caballus shows and in equus caballus races, however, stallions generally must be kept abroad from shut contact with mares, both to avoid unintentional or unplanned matings, and away from other stallions to minimize fighting for say-so. When horses are lined upwardly for award presentations at shows, handlers keep stallions at least ane horse length from any other creature. Stallions tin can exist taught to ignore mares or other stallions that are in shut proximity while they are working.

Stallions alive peacefully in bachelor herds in the wild and in natural management settings. For example, the stallions in the New Forest (U.K.) live in bachelor herds on their wintertime grazing pastures. When managed as domesticated animals, some farms assert that carefully managed social contact benefits stallions. Well-tempered stallions intended to exist kept together for a long catamenia may be stabled in closer proximity, though this method of stabling is generally used only by experienced stable managers. An example of this is the stallions of the Spanish Riding School, which travel, railroad train and are stabled in close proximity. In these settings, more dominant animals are kept autonomously past stabling a immature or less dominant stallion in the stall between them.

Dominance in domesticated herds [edit]

Because domestication of the horse normally requires stallions to be isolated from other horses, either mares or geldings may become ascendant in a domestic herd. Ordinarily authority in these cases is a matter of age and, to some extent, temperament. Information technology is common for older animals to be dominant, though old and weak animals may lose their rank in the herd. There are also studies suggesting that a foal will "inherit" or perhaps banner say-so behavior from its dam, and at maturity seek to obtain the same rank in a later on herd that its mother held when the equus caballus was young.

Studies of domesticated horses indicate that horses announced to do good from a strong female presence in the herd. Groupings of all geldings, or herds where a gelding is dominant over the rest of the herd; for example if the mares in the herd are quite immature or of low condition, may be more anxious equally a group and less relaxed than those where a mare is dominant.[29]

Advice [edit]

Forward ear position indicating alertness.

One ear forward and one ear dorsum, usually indicating divided attention or environmental monitoring.

Horses communicate in various ways, including vocalizations such every bit nickering, squealing or whinnying; bear upon, through mutual grooming or nuzzling; odour; and body language. Horses utilise a combination of ear position, neck and caput height, move, and foot stomping or tail swishing to communicate.[30] Discipline is maintained in a horse herd first through trunk linguistic communication and gestures, then, if needed, through physical contact such as biting, kicking, nudging, or other means of forcing a misbehaving herd member to motility. In near cases, the animal that successfully causes another to move is dominant, whether it uses just body language or adds physical reinforcement.

Horses can interpret the torso language of other creatures, including humans, whom they view every bit predators. If socialized to human being contact, horses unremarkably reply to humans as a not-threatening predator. Humans practice not always empathize this, even so, and may comport in a style, particularly if using aggressive discipline, that resembles an attacking predator and triggers the horse's fight-or-flight response. On the other hand, some humans exhibit fear of a horse, and a horse may interpret this behavior as human being submission to the authority of the horse, placing the human in a subordinate role in the horse's mind. This may lead the horse to behave in a more dominant and aggressive fashion. Human handlers are more successful if they learn to properly interpret a horse's body linguistic communication and temper their own responses appropriately. Some methods of equus caballus grooming explicitly instruct horse handlers to behave in ways that the horse will interpret as the behavior of a trusted leader in a herd and thus more willingly comply with commands from a human handler. Other methods encourage operant conditioning to teach the horse to reply in a desired way to human torso linguistic communication, only besides teach handlers to recognize the meaning of equus caballus body language.

Relaxed ear position of a bored or resting horse. Lower lip is loose, as well indicating relaxation. The sclera of this equus caballus's eye shows a fleck of white, just information technology is non rolled back in fearfulness or acrimony.

Tense, backward ear position indicating anticipation. Mouth and lips are also tense, which may indicate an increased tendency to bite.

Horses are non particularly vocal, but exercise have iv bones vocalizations: the neigh or whinny, the nicker, the squeal and the snort.[30] [31] They may also brand sighing, grunting or groaning noises at times.[32]

Ear position is often one of the most obvious behaviors that humans find when interpreting horse body language. In general, a horse will direct the pinna of an ear toward the source of input it is also looking at. Horses have a narrow range of binocular vision, and thus a horse with both ears forward is generally concentrating on something in front of it. Similarly, when a horse turns both ears forward, the degree of tension in the horse'due south pinna suggests if the animal is calmly attentive to its surroundings or tensely observing a potential danger. Even so, because horses have strong monocular vision, it is possible for a equus caballus to position one ear forward and one ear dorsum, indicative of similar divided visual attention. This behavior is often observed in horses while working with humans, where they need to simultaneously focus attention on both their handler and their environment. A horse may plough the pinna back when likewise seeing something coming up backside it.

Due to the nature of a equus caballus's vision, head position may indicate where the animal is focusing attending. To focus on a distant object, a horse will heighten its head. To focus on an object close by, and specially on the ground, the horse volition lower its nose and carry its head in a near-vertical position. Eyes rolled to the signal that the white of the eye is visible often indicates fright or anger.

Ear position, head height, and body linguistic communication may alter to reflect emotional status also. For instance, the clearest bespeak a horse sends is when both ears are flattened tightly dorsum against the head, sometimes with eyes rolled and so that the white of the middle shows, often indicative of pain or acrimony, ofttimes foreshadowing aggressive behavior that will before long follow. Sometimes ears laid back, particularly when accompanied by a strongly swishing tail or stomping or pawing with the anxiety are signals used by the equus caballus to limited discomfort, irritation, impatience, or feet. Still, horses with ears slightly turned back but in a loose position, may exist drowsing, bored, fatigued, or simply relaxed. When a equus caballus raises its head and neck, the beast is alarm and oftentimes tense. A lowered head and neck may exist a sign of relaxation, but depending on other behaviors may also point fatigue or illness.

Tail move may also exist a form of communication. Slight tail swishing is often a tool to dislodge biting insects or other pare irritants. However, aggressive tail-swishing may indicate either irritation, hurting or acrimony. The tail tucked tightly against the body may point discomfort due to cold or, in some cases, pain. The equus caballus may demonstrate tension or excitement by raising its tail, but also by flaring its nostrils, snorting, and intently focusing its optics and ears on the source of concern.

The horse does non use its mouth to communicate to the degree that it uses its ears and tail, but a few rima oris gestures have pregnant across that of eating, grooming, or bitter at an irritation. Bared teeth, equally noted in a higher place, are an expression of anger and an imminent effort to bite. Horses, particularly foals, sometimes indicate appeasement of a more aggressive herd member by extending their necks and clacking their teeth. Horses making a chewing motion with no food in the oral fissure do then as a soothing mechanism, possibly linked to a release of tension, though some horse trainers view information technology equally an expression of submission. Horses volition sometimes extend their upper lip when scratched in a especially good spot, and if their mouth touches something at the time, their lip and teeth may move in a mutual grooming gesture. A very relaxed or sleeping horse may take a loose lower lip and chin that may extend further out than the upper lip. The curled lip flehmen response, noted to a higher place, most oftentimes is seen in stallions, but is ordinarily a response to the smell of another equus caballus'south urine, and may be exhibited by horses of any sex. Horses also have assorted mouth motions that are a response to a bit or the rider'south hands, some indicating relaxation and acceptance, others indicating tension or resistance.

Sleep patterns [edit]

Horses can sleep both standing up and lying downwardly. They can sleep while continuing, an adaptation from life as a prey animal in the wild. Lying down makes an animal more than vulnerable to predators.[33] Horses are able to sleep standing up because a "stay appliance" in their legs allows them to relax their muscles and doze without collapsing. In the front end legs, their equine forelimb beefcake automatically engages the stay apparatus when their muscles relax.[34] The equus caballus engages the stay apparatus in the hind legs by shifting its hip position to lock the patella in place. At the stifle articulation, a "hook" structure on the within bottom cease of the femur cups the patella and the medial patella ligament, preventing the leg from bending.[35]

Horses obtain needed slumber by many short periods of rest. This is to be expected of a prey animal, that needs to exist set up on a moment's notice to flee from predators. Horses may spend anywhere from four to xv hours a day in standing rest, and from a few minutes to several hours lying downward. However, not all this time is the horse asleep; total sleep time in a twenty-four hours may range from several minutes to 2 hours.[36] Horses require approximately two and a half hours of sleep, on boilerplate, in a 24-hour period. Most of this slumber occurs in many short intervals of about 15 minutes each.[37] These brusk periods of sleep consist of v minutes of dull-wave sleep, followed past five minutes of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and then another five minutes of slow-wave slumber.[38]

Horses demand to lie downwards occasionally, and adopt soft ground for a nap.

Horses must lie down to reach REM sleep. They but accept to lie down for an hour or 2 every few days to run into their minimum REM slumber requirements.[36] However, if a horse is never allowed to prevarication down, later several days it will become sleep-deprived, and in rare cases may all of a sudden plummet equally it involuntarily slips into REM sleep while nevertheless standing.[39] This condition differs from narcolepsy, which horses may endure from.[37]

Horses slumber better when in groups because some animals will sleep while others stand guard to sentry for predators. A equus caballus kept entirely alone may not sleep well because its instincts are to keep a constant eye out for danger.[36]

Eating patterns [edit]

Horses have a strong grazing instinct, preferring to spend most hours of the day eating forage. Horses and other equids evolved every bit grazing animals, adapted to eating small amounts of the same kind of food all solar day long. In the wild, the horse adapted to eating prairie grasses in semi-arid regions and traveling meaning distances each day in lodge to obtain adequate nutrition.[40] Thus, they are "trickle eaters," meaning they accept to have an almost constant supply of food to proceed their digestive system working properly. Horses can become anxious or stressed if there are long periods of time between meals. When stabled, they practise best when they are fed on a regular schedule; they are creatures of habit and hands upset by changes in routine.[41] When horses are in a herd, their behavior is hierarchical;[42] the higher-ranked animals in the herd eat and drink kickoff. Depression-status animals, that eat last, may not get enough food, and if there is little available feed, higher-ranking horses may continue lower-ranking ones from eating at all.

Psychological disorders [edit]

When confined with bereft companionship, exercise or stimulation, horses may develop stable vices, an assortment of compulsive stereotypies considered bad habits, more often than not psychological in origin, that include woods chewing, stall walking (walking in circles stressfully in the stall), wall kicking, "weaving" (rocking back and forth) and other problems. These have been linked to a number of possible causal factors, including a lack of environmental stimulation and early on weaning practices. Research is ongoing to investigate the neurobiological changes involved in the functioning of these behaviors.

See also [edit]

  • Domestication of the horse
  • Equus (genus)
  • Glossary of equestrian terms
  • Horse
  • Equus caballus breeding
  • Horse care
  • Equus caballus grooming
  • Sacking out
  • Stable vices

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Kinsey, J. K.; Denison, Jennifer (2008). "Inside Your Equus caballus'south Listen". Backcountry Basics. Colorado Springs, CO: Western Horseman Publishing. ISBN978-0-911647-84-6.
  2. ^ McCall, C.A. (2006). "Understanding your horses' behaviour". Alabama Cooperative Extension Arrangement. Alabama. Retrieved October 21, 2013.
  3. ^ Greene, B.; Comerford, P. (2009). "Equus caballus Fight vs Flight instinct". . Retrieved Oct 23, 2013.
  4. ^ Hood, R. (2001). "The 5 F'southward –Flight, Fight, Freeze, Fidget, Faint, TEAMM Connections, vol 3 (no issue given)". . Retrieved October 22, 2013.
  5. ^ Margioris, Andrew; Tsatsanis, Christos (April 2011). "ACTH Action on the Adrenal". Archived from the original on 6 March 2013. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  6. ^ Padgett, David; Glaser, R (August 2003). "How stress influences the allowed response". Trends in Immunology. 24 (8): 444–448. doi:10.1016/S1471-4906(03)00173-X. PMID 12909458.
  7. ^ Kilby, E. (1997). "Glands at a Glance – The horses' endocrine system". EQUUS Mag, Cruz Bay Publishing. Archived from the original on November iii, 2013. Retrieved October 24, 2013.
  8. ^ "How cells communicate during the flying or fight response". University of Utah Printing. 2002. Archived from the original on Baronial eight, 2013. Retrieved October 23, 2013.
  9. ^ a b Burton, F. (1999). "seven". The Horses' World', Ultimate Horse Care. Ringpress books UK. Retrieved October 22, 2013.
  10. ^ a b c d "Equine Nervous System". Equine Instruction Connection. 2008. Retrieved October 23, 2013.
  11. ^ Butcher-Grey, 1000. (2011). "Horse Encephalon Discussion: Office II". nickernews.cyberspace . Retrieved Oct 22, 2013.
  12. ^ Heitor F, exercise Mar Oom Thousand, Vicente 50 (2006) Social relationships in a herd of Sorraia horses Part I. Correlates of social potency and contexts of aggression. Behav Process 73, 170–177. doi:
  13. ^ Keiper R, Receveur H (1992) Social interactions of complimentary-ranging Przewalski horses in semi-reserves in the netherlands. Appl Anim Behav Sci 33, 303–318. doi:
  14. ^ Keiper RR (1988) Social interactions of the Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii Poliakov, 1881) herd at the Munich Zoo. Appl Anim Behav Sci 21, 89–97. doi:
  15. ^ "VanDierendonck MC, de Vries H, Schilder MBH (1995) An Analysis of Say-so, Its Behavioural Parameters and Possible Determinants in a Herd of Icelandic orses in Captivity. Netherl J Zool 45, 362–385 (PDF)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-01-15. Retrieved 2014-01-14 .
  16. ^ Vervaecke H, Stevens J, Vandemoortele H, Sigurjönsdöttir H, De Vries H (2007) Aggression and potency in matched groups of subadult Icelandic horses (Horse). J Ethol 25, 239–248. doi:
  17. ^ a b c d e Krueger, K., Flauger, B., Farmer, 1000., & Hemelrijk, C. (2014). Movement initiation in groups of feral horses. Behavioural Procedure., 103, 91–101. viewed January ix, 20144, http://world wide Archived 2014-01-09 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ Hood, R. (2017). "Horses in Company (no effect given)". lucyrees.u.k./ . Retrieved October 6, 2019.
  19. ^ Pacheco, M. A.; Herrera, E. A. (1997). "Social Structure of Feral Horses in the Llanos of Venezuela". Journal of Mammalogy. 78 (1): xv–22. doi:ten.2307/1382634. JSTOR 1382634.
  20. ^ Mistral, Kip. "The Clandestine Life of Stallions". Equus caballus Connexion . Retrieved June 22, 2007.
  21. ^ McGreevy, Paul (2004). Equine Beliefs. Saunders Company.
  22. ^ Stevens, Elizabeth Franke (1990). "Instability of Harems of Feral Horses in Relation to Season and Presence of Subordinate Stallions". Behaviour. 112 (3/4): 149–161. doi:ten.1163/156853990X00167. ISSN 0005-7959. JSTOR 4534834.
  23. ^ "Wild Horses Behavior" (PDF). ADVS 3910. Archived from the original (PDF) on June xxx, 2007. Retrieved June 22, 2007.
  24. ^ Kincaid, A.T. (2008). "Wild or Feral? Historical and biological consideration of free roaming horses (FRH) 6" (PDF).
  25. ^ Hallberg, 50. (2008). Walking the Way of the Horse: Exploring the Ability of the Horse-Human Human relationship. iUniverse. p. 144.
  26. ^ "The Natural Equus caballus and Unnatural Behaviour." Reproduced with permission from the Proceedings of the BEVA Specialist Days on Behaviour and Nutrition. Ed. P.A.Harris et al. Pub. Equine Veterinary Journal Ltd. Website accessed June 22, 2007 at
  27. ^ Bergstein, Stan. "We have the applied science..." originally published in Daily Racing Form, March 12, 2002.
  28. ^ Hillenbrand, Laura (2001). Seabiscuit: An American Legend (First Trade Paperback ed.). p. 100. ISBN978-0-449-00561-3.
  29. ^ Barakat, Christine. "Is your horse sleep deprived?" Equus, Feb 2007, issue 353, p. 34.
  30. ^ a b Scott, Laurel. "Equine Expressions: Understanding Your Equus caballus's Body Linguistic communication" Accessed July 2, 2010
  31. ^ "Audio Samples of Common Horse Sounds". Archived from the original on 2011-05-05. Retrieved 2010-07-02 .
  32. ^ Aronson, Linda. "What'south my horse proverb?" Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine September 2000, Applied Horseman. Accessed July 2, 2010
  33. ^ Practice Horses Sleep Continuing Upward? Web site, accessed March 23, 2007
  34. ^ "How Horses Sleep".
  35. ^ "Horseware Ireland North America - The worlds leading equine production leader for horse and rider".
  36. ^ a b c "How Horses Sleep Pt. two - Power Naps". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-03-24 .
  37. ^ a b "Did you hear the one nigh the policeman's horse?" Spider web site, accessed March 23, 2007 Archived November 14, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  38. ^ Belling Jr, T.H. (1990). "Slumber patterns in the horse" (PDF). Equine Do. 12: 2–26.
  39. ^ "Equine Sleep Disorder Videos - EquiSearch".
  40. ^ Budiansky, Stephen. The Nature of Horses. Free Press, 1997. ISBN 0-684-82768-9
  41. ^ Williams, Carey A.,Ph.D., Extension Specialist. "The Basics of Equine Diet" from FS #038, Equine Scientific discipline Center, Rutgers Academy, Revised: April 2004. Archived 2007-04-08 at the Wayback Machine Spider web site accessed Feb 9, 2007
  42. ^ Williams, Carey A.Ph.D., Extension Specialist. "The Basics of Equine Behavior," FS #525 from Equine Scientific discipline Center, Rutgers University, 2004. Archived 2007-04-07 at the Wayback Machine Web site accessed February xiv, 2007

References [edit]

  • Budiansky, Stephen. "The Nature of Horses". Complimentary Press, 1997. ISBN 0-684-82768-9
  • McCall C.A (Professor of Animal Sciences, Auburn University) 2006, Understanding your horses' behaviour, Alabama Co-operative Extension System, Alabama, viewed 21/ten/thirteen,
  • Shearman, Lindsay. Horses and Health: How Horses Make Humans Healthier. The Jodhpurs Company . Retrieved 29 June 2015.

External links [edit]

Media related to Horse behavior at Wikimedia Commons


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